Tuesday, May 29, 2012

lindO Furniture [interior Design]

Whaaaaaaat???? Yes furniture. lindO started as an upcycling furniture/interior design company and the PROP line has taken over as of late. However we have pieces all over waiting (and waiting) for me to get my hands on them. Here is the latest piece ready for the big reveal:

A little mod 18" diameter side table that is 15' tall. Gold metal with slightly tinted glass - $60

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Photo of the Week #0020


Portrait by Molly Strohl

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Clip-on Lens

How cool is this?! Clip-on lenses that slip on your iPhone, iPad or almost anything with a tiny lens. Fisheye, Circular Polarizer or the 3-Image Mirage filter are available.


Check it out here. Would you use these?

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pom Poms [interior Design]

These are not your normal pom poms. These are works of art. MYK's Bommel furniture is handcrafted using individual pompoms that are bundled, rolled, and cut. There are up to 1,300 individual woolen pompoms in a piece. Sounds like a lot of work. I'll be honest I haven't done much digging for the price as I'm sure they are not budget friendly. Plus the shipping charge from Berlin would not be cheap (another irresponsible assumption). Just let your eyes enjoy the following: 

I love the random badger in the photo

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Photo of the Week #0018

When the Victorian Loveseat went out on a run with Sarah Kossuch I should have known this perfectly perfect photo would result:

This is one of my favorites! GORG. You can view her work on her website SarahKossouch.com and Facebook

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fun Stuff

This is fun - click here! Wish I knew what it said. Good thing a picture is worth a thousand words. Translate button...where did that thing go....??

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Photo of the Week #0017

How peaceful...

This amazing photo is by Julia Bobstock. She is a London based photographer who works primarily as a children and lifestyle photographer. Her website is great for inspiration:

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