
Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Little Man's Room [interior Design]

Kids' rooms are some of the most fun to design. Ideas, concepts, themes, and color options are endless. My husband had to let me do our son's room because in a couple years I'm sure Trey will want a football light switch or some giant sports figure on the wall. Not that there's anything wrong with that - it's just that I'll be nudged out of the "lead designer" role and have one less room to play in. So I went gender neutral and no-so-babyish crossing my fingers that it will take longer for him to get sick of it and call in his dad for sporting design help. I incorporated his books and some globes we had with a color palette of browns and greys. Here's Trey on an oak dresser I refinished (which doubles as the changing station):

The light is from Ikea and the bird mobile above the chair? I made that. I found the plastic wall mountable birds at Target and sprayed them white. Drilled holes in them, tied fishing line and hung them to wire. I also "layered" the birds by putting some up on the walls behind the mobile and scattered some across the room just above the changing table.

The maps are from old National Geographic magazines in my parents' basement. They are close ups of Italy and South America were Trey's people are from ;)

I painted a lime green giraffe for a pop of color. It's hard to tell in the photos but this wall is much darker than the other 3 walls. It's a French Vanilla cappuccino color. Yum. Another detail I added is not noticeable in photos but the closet doors are matte paint with high gloss vertical stripes...I need a real camera.

This is my little man on his glider. I loved the modern lines and it wasn't easy to find but I got it from here. My husband is not a big fan of it because the back isn't high enough for him. Are the ugly rockers/gliders more comfortable? Yes but I think this is pretty comfortable AND it looks good. Form and an acceptable amount of function for me.


UPDATE: I now have a real camera so you will have to blame the lack of photography skills for these photos. This angle gives a better view of the mobile and wall mounted birds. I also wanted to share the striped closets and a new friend.


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