
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holiday Shoot [PROPS]

Exhausting. Just exhausting. I gotta give it to those patient photographers, like Stacy Melton, who sit calmly and wait for a crazy 21 month old to sit still. Actually the sitting still part never happened. Trey refused. I wildly jumped up and down behind Stacy, thought of every word I could that usually makes him laugh to catch his attention, and moved him a million times to set him where we needed him. We pulled every trick in the book but Jayden (Stacy's son) was there and Trey was having the time of his life running in circles. He wanted nothing to do with sitting still or listening to his mom (Jayden on the other hand was a VERY good listener). I haven't done a marathon but I challenge those people to a photo shoot with my son.

Here is a sneak peak of the shoot. LindO did the art work and set design,  Photography by Stacy Melton was the talent behind the lens.

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